
TOILETS! for Third Graders, a reading level list

Toilets.  Now here's a topic that most children are fascinated with at some point in their lives.  But how do toilets work?  And how did we come to get them inside of our homes?  

The following books are non-fiction titles about Toilets... and sometimes other household items.  I pulled this list together because toilets can fit into a number of educational themes.  Science, obviously.  But also Needs versus Wants, and Sustainability.

As usual, we've divided the Big Topic List into sub-lists by reading grade level.  These books can be shared, of course, with youngsters of any age.  Please note that many of these can be had for mere pennies, plus shipping.  And I would hope, they would also be available at your local library.

bookcover of Telephones, Televisions, and Toilets by Melvin and Gilda Berger
Telephones, Televisions, and Toilets
by Melvin and Gilda Berger

This book provides simple explanations of how these 3 household items work. This is a great book to get children to think more about the technology that they probably take for granted.  In addition, it can be use as part of a Needs versus Wants discussion.  (Give me toilets first, please :)

Reading Resources:
Word Count:  1645
Page Count:  48
Accelerated Reading level: 3.2 / points: 0.5
AR quiz:  31027

bookcover of Toilet Paper Before the Store by Rachel Lynette Toilet Paper Before the Store
by Rachel Lynette
Dan McGeehan (Illustrator)

This book follows the life cycle of toilet paper and so can be worked into an ecology lesson.  It discusses how trees are turned into pulp, how paper is made and packaged, as well as how it makes it way to store shelves.

Expensive.  Shop around or get through Inter-library loan.

Reading Resources:
Word Count:  1582
Page Count:  32
Accelerated Reading level: 3.8 / points: 0.5
AR quiz:  149566