
About Us

What is special about this site?

The books mentioned on this site are handpicked by the staff.

Unlike other sites which only review new books, we spend a great deal of our time finding older books that are worthy of your consideration.

And because we believe that children can become frustrated by attempting books that have vocabulary that is too difficult, we make every effort to give adults the reading level of the books we review here.  (This does not mean that these books cannot be read to younger children.  Nor is it a RULE that must be followed.  Instead the reading level should be used as a GUIDELINE.  Children may naturally read above or below that number.)  Using this guideline saves you time from searching endless lists and websites looking for appropriate books for your children.

Who pays for all of this?

Our site is supported indirectly by Amazon.  Links to Amazon's vast database of books provides readers with additional opinions and information on the books we have recommended, as well as the opportunity to purchase these books from the premier online bookstore.  When readers link through from our site and purchase from Amazon, Good Books for Kids earns a pittance.  This allows this site to remain viable and free of charge.

Where do our books come from?
Our books mostly come from the library, however, on occasion we do receive Review Copies.  It is our policy to never agree to give a positive review, nor in fact, do we even guarantee that a book will be mentioned on this site.  Instead we feel our primary responsibility is to you, the reader and potential buyer.

For more on how we compose our lists, click here

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