
Famous People Index

Here's our list of famous people from history and current times.
    Johnny Appleseed
    Johnny Appleseed  -- A list of practice readers all about John Chapman at the 1st Grade level
    Johnny Appleseed -- 2nd Grade reading level
      • Neil Armstrong
        -- A list of Easy Readers about the First Man to step onto the Moon. (AR 2.6 to AR 3.5)
      • Clara Barton
        -- A list of books about the founder of the American Red Cross, and a tireless worker for equal rights.
      • Ruby Bridges
        -- Studying the 1960's? Here are some good books with reading information about the little girl who came to symbolize a wider movement.
      • Thomas Edison
        -- A list of 3 good books for elementary aged children. Reading Levels: 2 and 4.
      • Albert Einstein
        -- A list of books about the founder of the American Red Cross, and a tireless worker for equal rights. AR 2.3 to AR 5.0

      • Lewis and Clark
        -- This post features 3 more advanced books. One is Historical Fiction, the other two are non-fiction.
      • Abraham Lincoln
        -- A list of 3 books for elementary aged children. Reading Levels: 1.5/2.0/2.1
      • Thurgood Marshall
        -- A list of books by reading level about the first black Supreme Court Justice.
      • Betsy Ross
        -- The 4 Easiest Practice Readers about this famous lady.
      • Martin Luther King, Jr.
        -- Studying peaceful movements or the 1960's or the prolonged struggle for equality of all people? Here's a list of good reads --with reading information-- about this important American leader.
      • Sojourner Truth
        -- A list of books and internet resources about this fascinating civil rights worker.