Here are THE 3 Easiest books about the 16th President that we found. They range from the simple first grade text of Pam Walker, to the more sophisticated writings of Schaefer and Knox -- which are at the second grade level.

(Welcome Books: Real People)
Pam Walker
This book features simple short sentences in a large font. Our library doesn't have this book, so we can't provide more information other than this sample text from one of the pages.
Abe was born in 1809.
As a boy he lived in a log cabin.
This is clearly a book that needs to be used in conjunction with other material; but as a practice reader it serves it's purpose.
Table of Contents
Abe as a Boy
Abe's Family
President of the United States
New Words
To Find Out More
About the Author
Reading Information:
Word Count: 110
Word Count: 24
Accelerated Reading level: 1.5 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 83361
Lexile: 250L
- Publisher: Children's Press
- ISBN-10: 0516235869
-- see sample pages

(Famous Americans)
Lola M. Schaefer
Table of Contents
Working for the People
President Lincoln
Note to Parents and Teachers
Words to Know
Read More
Internet Sites
Index/Word List
Like other books in the Pebble Books biography series, this book on Lincoln features artwork on the left page with accompanying text on the right. The pictures feature some black-and-photographs of the President, his wife, and a log cabin (unfortunately and inexplicably out of focus.) There is also a colored drawing of 'Lincoln as a boy reading about George Washington' and popular images of the President. Sample text follows.
Many people liked Abe. He
became the 16th president
in 1861. Then the Civil War
began. People in the North
fought people in the South.
They fought about slavery.
If you click on the above sample pages most browsers will enlarge the image so you can easily read it.
Reading Information:
Word Count: 236
Word Count: 24
Accelerated Reading level: 2.0 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 31812
Lexile: 350L
- Publisher: Pebble Books
- ISBN-10: 0736801081

(First Biographies)
Barbara Knox
Knox's biography does not have a narrow focus, but touches upon the broader events that surrounded Lincoln. In fact, it has three pages of text about Lincoln before delving into his presidency, slavery, the Civil War, the Emancipation Proclamation, and his assassination.

Abraham helped change
the United States. He
helped end slavery. People
remember Abraham Lincoln
as a great speaker. He kept
the United States together
as one country.

Structurally it is like other First Biography books. There is an image on the left page and text on the right. Along the bottom of the main pages there is a timeline that gradually acquires important dates as the narrative advances. The text in this book is still large. Images include an interesting photo of a simple log cabin, popular images from art, as well as black-and-white photographs!
Table of Contents
Early Life
President Lincoln
The Civil War
Remembering Abraham
Read More
Internet Sites
Index/Word List
Reading Information:
Word Count: 214
Word Count: 24
Accelerated Reading level: 2.1 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 74824
- Publisher: Pebble Books (2004)
- ISBN-10: 0736820868
compiled by Pam T