There's something about Guinea Pigs. Their sweet little whistles when you open the refrigerator. Their tubby little bodies.
Kids love them and in this list you'll find the 4 easiest practice readers about these animals that aren't pigs and who don't come from New Guinea.

by Rose Carraway
Cute cover photo but we've not been able to track down a copy or find any sample text.
Reading Information:
Word Count: 83
Page Count: 24
Accelerated Reading Level: 0.9 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 148082
- Publisher: Gareth Stevens (2012)
- ISBN-10: 1433962918
- amazon
Currently these books are all available as part of Amazon's buy-3-get-1-free plan.

by Sarah Hughes
Using simple text, a child tells how she cares for her guinea pig. Here is sample text from two pages.
This is my petReading Information:
guinea pig, Patti.
I like to pet Patti.
Word Count: 117
Page Count: 24
Accelerated Reading Level: 1.0 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 46821
- Publisher: Children's Press (2000)
- ISBN-10: 0516232894
- sample pages

(All About Pets)
by Martha E. H. Rustad
Simple text explains the basics about Guinea Pigs. Here's the table of contents as sample text from 2 pages:
Table of ContentsGuinea Pigs are pets.
Pet Guinea Pigs
How Guinea Pigs Look
What Guinea Pigs Need
Words to Know
Read More
Internet Sites
Index/Word List
Guinea Pigs have paws.
Reading Information:
Word Count: 52
Page Count: 24
Accelerated Reading Level: 1.3 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 50978
- Publisher: Capstone Press (2006)
- ISBN-10: 0736891463
- amazon

by JoAnn Early Macken
4.0 of 5 stars GoodReads rating — 4 ratings
Keyword repetition and colorful photography combine to teach children about keeping a pet Guinea Pig.
Reading Information:
Word Count: 180
Page Count: 24
Accelerated Reading Level: 1.8 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 72583
- Publisher: Weekly Reader Early Learning (2003)
- ISBN-10: 0836838459
- amazon
compiled by Pam.
You might also be interested in this book of poems about Guinea Pigs: Oh Theodore!