Here are some practice readers for 1st Graders that deal with an important topic: Safety! In particular when and why to use the 9-1-1 phone system.

(PM Story Books Green Level)
by Beverley Randell
Tom has to take matters into his own hands and call for an ambulance when Poppa falls off a ladder. Dialogue with 911.
Reading Resources:
Word Count: 236
Page Count: 16
Accelerated Reading level: 1.1 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 27195
- Publisher: Rigby
- ISBN-10: 0763515310
- sample pages at Google

(My First I Can Read)
by Mercer Mayer
When Dad gets stuck in the basement, Little critter dials 911 to call the firefighters to help.
Word Count: 283
Page Count: 32
Accelerated Reading level: 1.2 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 129008
Lexile: 140L
- Publisher: HarperCollins
- ISBN-10: 0060835478
compiled by Pam T