This list features a broad assortment of titles at the Kindergarten reading level that deal with Fires, Fire Stations, Safety and Fire men and women. Some of these books are just for children who find those trucks so fascinating, and others are good for emphasizing safety, or preparing children for a visit to the fire department.

by Jenny Giles
Richard Hoit (Illustrator)
The Toytown fire engine rescues a cat that is stuck up in a tree.
Reading Resources:
Word Count: 105
Page Count: 16
Accelerated Reading level: 0.6 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 50817
- Publisher: Rigby (1999)
- ISBN-10: 0763560022

by Jill Eggleton
Trevor Pye (Illustrator)
Spies and firefighters think a home is on fire.
Word Count: 88
Page Count: 15
Accelerated Reading level: 0.6 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 82794
- Publisher: Rigby (2003)
- ISBN-10: 0757886639

by Margaret Hillert
David Schimmell (Illustrator)
Dragon goes with his boy on a class trip to the local fire house where they learn about what it takes to put out a fire.
Word Count: 271
Page Count: 32
Accelerated Reading level: 0.8 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 139925
- Publisher: Norwood House Classroom (2011)
- ISBN-10: 1603570993
Querido Dragon Va a la Estacion de Bomberos
(Dear Dragon Goes To The Fire House)
Word Count: 230
Page Count: 32
Accelerated Reading level: 1.1 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 139925SP
- Publisher: Norwood House Classroom (2011)
- Language: Spanish
- ISBN-10: 1599534681

and here too
by Beverley Randell
The Brown family is taken to safety by a helicopter when a forest fire threatens their home, and comes back to find their cat and home unharmed.
Word Count: 165
Page Count: 15
Accelerated Reading level: 0.8 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 32110
- Publisher: Rigby Reading (1995)
- ISBN-10: 0435067095
- Publisher: Rigby (2004)
- ISBN-10: 1418900664

by Bill Martin Jr.
In this version of the old rhyme, the fire turns out to be the smoke from the candles of a birthday cake.
Word Count: 94
Page Count: 32
Accelerated Reading level: 0.8 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 14411
- Publisher: HMH Books (2006)
- ISBN-10: 0152057250
- sample pages available

by Larry Dane Brimner
Ethel Gold (Illustrator)
Fire Companies 1, 2, 3, and 4 rush across town to Fire Company 5, where the firehouse dog is having puppies.
Word Count: 76
Page Count: 32
Accelerated Reading level: 0.9 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 26920
Lexile: 130L
- Publisher: Children's Press(1997)
- ISBN-10: 0516260774
- sample pages available

(People Around Town)
by Joyce Jeffries
Highlights the general activities of fire fighters in simple text and color photographs.
Word Count: 100
Page Count: 32
Accelerated Reading level: 0.9 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 151270
- Publisher: Gareth Stevens Publishing (August 1, 2012)
- ISBN-10: 1433973294
(reading level unknown)

by Katie Kawa
Describes a field trip to a fire station that includes meeting a fireman, sitting in a fire truck, hearing the siren, learning about the fireman's clothing, and getting a fireman's hat to take home.
Word Count: 96
Page Count: 24
Accelerated Reading level: 0.9 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 151240
- Publisher: Gareth Stevens (2012)
- ISBN-10: 1433973170

by Sonia Sander, Silje Swendsen
The Lego City fire department responds to a call about a burning building, and the firefighters work together to put out the flames.
Word Count: 177
Page Count: 32
Accelerated Reading level: 0.9 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 136324
- Publisher: Scholastic Inc. (2009)
- ISBN-10: 0545115434
- sample pages available

by Marjorie Blain Parker, Bob Kolar (Illus.)
Sirens and lightsA rhyming tale of firefighters coming to the rescue in their shiny red truck.
say, "Out of my way!"
Firefighters race
to help save the day.
Hello, fire truck!
Word Count: 93
Page Count: 32
Accelerated Reading level: 0.9 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 83080
- Publisher: Cartwheel
- ISBN-10: 0439598907
compiled by Pam T