Here's a list of THE EASIEST Easy Readers about America's #1 Game! These books are at the Kindergarten reading level.
**all ratings from GoodReads
**all links to Being Affiliate links they help support this site so more lists can be made. (It's amazingly labor intensive.) No cost to you.
The Ball Game
(My First Hello Reader!)
by David Packard
3.27 Stars from 11 GoodReaders
is the easiest book I could find about baseball. It comes with
word-cards (at the end of the book) which you can use to make sentences of your own,
or to do word identification practice.
Reading Information:
Word Count: 47
Page Count: 32
Accelerated Reading Level: 0.4 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 31602
Mat at Bat
by Alan M. Hofmeister
There was no book image I could locate. And there is only one copy of the
book available at the moment at Amazon (used). MAT AT BAT is included here in case your
library owns a copy.
The story is about Mat the rat, and Mit the monkey playing ball.
Word Count: 127
Page Count: not available
Accelerated Reading Level: 0.5 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 4018

by Alan M. Hofmeister
was no book image I could locate. Smash It! is included here in case
library owns a copy. The story is about animals playing ball. Alan
Hofmeister is an instructor at the University of Utah - Department of
Special Education & Rehabilitation.
Word Count: 129
Page Count: not available
Accelerated Reading Level: 0.6 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 4036
Play Ball!
by Gail S. Fleagle
Marilyn Henry (Illustrator)
This is another book where little information is available. Obviously a Library Find since there are apparently only 8 pages.
Word Count: 30
Pages: 8
Accelerated Reader: 0.7 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 172906
Play Ball
by Margaret Hillert
Dick Martin (Illustrator)
3.27 Stars from 11 GoodReaders
Margaret Hillert wrote over 80 books for new and newer readers back in the last decade. I happen to love many of her little books.
In this book the story is about two young boys want to play ball, but they have trouble deciding which game to play.
Word Count: 282
Page Count: 32
Accelerated Reading Level: 0.8 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 121040
Lexile: BR
I Love Baseball
(My Favorite Sports)
by Ryan Nagelhout
From Gareth Stevens Publishing, this book is typical of early readers. Colorful photos accompany simple text about one of America's favorite games.
Word Count: 60
Page Count: 24
Accelerated Reading Level: 0.8 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 169030
Common Core Suggested

You might also be interested in:
- Topic: BASEBALL! -- Books at the FIRST GRADE reading level
So many books that we have two pages!
-- Part 1 of 2 (books from AR 1.0 to AR 1.5)
-- Part 2 of 2 (books from AR 1.6 to AR 1.9)
- Jackie Robinson - Baseball great -- an assortment of reading levels
- MATT CHRISTOPHER Sports Books at the 3rd GRADE reading level

(Rookie Readers)
by Jennifer E. Kramer
Jeff Moores (Illustrator)
3.8 Stars from 15 GoodReaders
is one of those books where a child --in this case Charlie -- begins to believe that lucky charms are responsible for their good fortune. What Charlie finds out is that all he really needs is
his 'lucky' pitching arm.
Here's some sample text:
Here's some sample text:
The game is just about to start."Good luck, Carlie, do your part!"
Page Count: 32
Accelerated Reading Level: 0.9 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 103583
Lexile: 110L
Hooray For Snail!
by John Stadler
3.52 Stars from 25 GoodReaders
Super simple text for new readers. The story, such as it is, is about Slow Snail and how he can hit that ball!
(The teachers who commented on the book at Amazon, love it.)
(The teachers who commented on the book at Amazon, love it.)
Snail hits.
Snail runs.
Snail slides home.
Hooray for Snail!
Page Count: 40
Accelerated Reading Level: 0.9 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 58958
Lexile: 10L
Teacher resource - John Stadler

by Norman Bridwell
3.66 Stars from 53 GoodReaders
Clifford wants to play baseball with his friends. But can he find a big enough bat?
Look at what kids can read now! Big, longer sentences.
It is a sunny day.
Clifford wants to play.
Clifford sees a boy.
He has a bat.
Word Count: 193
Page Count: 32
Accelerated Reading level: 0.9 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 143117
Lexile: 190L
My First Trip To A Baseball Game
by Katie Kawa
Describes a trip to the ball park. This book is available in Spanish and Spanish/English.
Word Count: 96Page Count: 24
Accelerated Reading level: 0.9 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 151236
Common Core Aligned

Mi primer partido de beisbol
(Bullfrog Books: I Love Sports)
by Allan Morey
4.0 Stars from 3 GoodReaders
This book covers the basics of the game with simple text and colorful images.
Word Count: 118
Pages: 24
Accelerated Reading level: 0.9 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 171648
Lexile: BR
Common Core Suggested

created by Pam
June 2016