These books about Martin Luther King, Jr. and MLK Day are for children reading at the 2nd Grade level.
Because the list was long, it has been divided into sections. Books from AR 2.0 thru 2.5 are on this list. The second part of this list features books from AR 2.6 to 2.9.
Because the list was long, it has been divided into sections. Books from AR 2.0 thru 2.5 are on this list. The second part of this list features books from AR 2.6 to 2.9.
**all ratings from GoodReads

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
(Our Country's Holidays)
by Sheri Dean
Two covers for this one. (I like the newer one which is on the left). The big advantage to this one is that it's available in Spanish too!
No look inside available for this book, and no reviews.
Reading Information:
Word Count: 198
Page Count: 24
Accelerated Reading level: 2.0 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 104604
Dia De Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Paperback: 24 pages
- Publisher: Weekly Reader Early Learning; Bilingual edition (2005)
- ISBN-10: 0836865278

(National Holidays)
by Helen Frost
Capstone Press frequently falters
in it's production quality and this is apparently 'one of those books'.
The one review available for this book is very negative. It appears
that the images were not well chosen and were confusing. If you click
through to Amazon you can see what Pamela K. Bomboy, of Chesterfield
County Public Schools in Virginia (syndicated by Reed) has to say.
Reading Information:
Word Count: 153
Page Count: 24
Accelerated Reading level: 2.0 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 36815
Lexile: 330L
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
(First Step Nonfiction)
by Robin Nelson
like this little book, but definitely think that there are issues
present here that you need to discuss with children. The second sample
page is an example. It can be very hurtful, or children can miss the
point entirely. I tend to describe these hurtful actions as being
bullying since this is something most young children understand.
Word Count: 240
Page Count: 24
Accelerated Reader: 2.1 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 66879
--sample pages available
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
(Holidays and Festivals)
by Rebecca Rissman
It means to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and shows them why this holiday is special.
Word Count: 275
Page Count: 24
Accelerated Reader: 2.1 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 137332
Lexile: 300L
Día de Martin Luther King, Jr. (Fiestas)

(Ready-to-Read. Level 1)
by Margaret McNamara
GoodReads Rating: 4.12 stars — 8 ratings
This is a cute book for younger children that presents Dr. King as a man with a dream and a man to emulate.
In the story a class of first graders visits a museum where they see a statue of the civil right's leader. They learn that Dr. King had a vision for how the world could be made a better place. And when the children get back to class their teacher asks them what their dreams are. The children draw pictures of things like 'no fighting' on the playground, and universal good health. Here's a sample page. (If you click on the image, most browsers will make it large enough to read.)

Very upbeat. Very focused on the future and what children might accomplish themselves.
Reading Information:In the story a class of first graders visits a museum where they see a statue of the civil right's leader. They learn that Dr. King had a vision for how the world could be made a better place. And when the children get back to class their teacher asks them what their dreams are. The children draw pictures of things like 'no fighting' on the playground, and universal good health. Here's a sample page. (If you click on the image, most browsers will make it large enough to read.)

Very upbeat. Very focused on the future and what children might accomplish themselves.
Word Count: 248
Page Count: 32
Accelerated Reading level: 2.2 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 120171
Lexile: 600L
--This book is eligible for Amazon's 4-for-3 promotion.
A Lesson for Martin Luther King, Jr.
(Ready-to-read COFA)
by Denise Lewis Patrick
Rodney S. Pate (Illustrator)
sad tale, but one that helps children understand Mr. King's
motivation. The story is about how one day he discovers that his
friend's father won't let the boys play together anymore because of the
color of Martin's skin.
Common Core Aligned

Word Count: 484
Page Count: 32
Accelerated Reader: 2.2 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 75356
Lexile: 440L
Max Celebrates Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
by Adria F. Worsham
There is a special school assembly for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Word Count: 174
Page Count: 24
Accelerated Reader: 2.2 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 122723
Lexile: 680L
Martin's Dream
by Jane Kurtz
Amy June Bates (Illustrator)
3.64 STARS from 11 GoodReaders
The author presents Martin's famous speech in terms that young children can enjoy.
Common Core Suggested

Word Count: 218
Page Count: 32
Accelerated Reading level: 2.3 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 128885
Lexile: NC660L
Martin Luther King, Jr.
(My First Biography)
by Marion Dane Bauer
4.04 STARS from 26 GoodReaders
simple language. This book focuses not only on Martin Luther King, Jr.
but the times he lived in and the importance of equality.
Common Core Aligned

Reading Information:
Word Count: 220
Page Count: 32
Accelerated Reading level: 2.3 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 139524
Lexile: 670L
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
by MC Hall
This book uses a poem to describe the MLK Day.
Word Count: 288
Page Count:24
Accelerated Reader: 2.3 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 138824
Martin Luther King, Jr.
(Famous Americans)
by Lola M. Schaefer
Simple text and photographs.
Word Count: 291
Page Count: 24
Accelerated Reader: 2.5 / points: 0.5
AR quiz: 31813
Lexile: 420L
compiled by GoodBooksforKids Staff